Barth Syndrome Foundation of Canada

News & Events

Barth Syndrome Newsletter – November 2024

November 4, 2024 Happy Fall everyone! I am starting off this update with what was the highlight of my summer. After six long years our Global Barth family was able to reconnect at the Biennial International Scientific, Medical & Family Conference in Florida in July! I was so excited to see old friends and was introduced to a number of new families who

November 4th, 2024|

2024 BSF Research Grant Program

August 29, 2023 Since 2002, the Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc. and its affiliates have been awarding research grants. The Barth Syndrome Foundation of Canada have participated in their Research Grant program since 2006, and have contributed towards 17 individual grants for a total of over $400,000 US (see here for details). Together with BSF and the other affiliates (UK, France and Italy), 115

August 30th, 2023|

New Research Grant Awarded 2023

May 1, 2023 Along with the Barth Syndrome Foundation and its international affiliates, we are happy to announce this year's research grant recipients here, including Kate Schroder, PhD, The University of Queensland, Australia Elucidating Cardiolipin Immune Dysfunction in Barth Syndrome This research is currently on-going. *Funding for this award was provided by Barth Syndrome Foundation and Barth Syndrome Foundation of Canada For more

May 1st, 2023|

Barth Syndrome Newsletter – November 2022

November 3, 2022 I hope this newsletter finds everyone well and getting back to their previous lifestyles before the global pandemic. Although the pandemic is not yet over, the world is adjusting to living with it and the fear is not as heightened as it was last year at this time. We still need to be cautious as Barth syndrome can cause individuals

November 3rd, 2022|

2023 BSF Research Grant Program

September 04, 2022 Since 2002, the Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc. and its affiliates have been awarding research grants. The Barth Syndrome Foundation of Canada have participated in their Research Grant program since 2006, and have contributed towards 17 individual grants for a total of over $400,000 US (see here for details). Together with BSF and the other affiliates (UK, France and Italy), 115

September 4th, 2022|

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